6 February 2008 in .Net, Mindscape | Comments enabled

Earlier this week Mindscape shipped version 1.2 of LightSpeed, our domain modeling and O/R Mapper. I always love the feeling of making a new release, the feedback and knowing that people are able to work more efficiently because of it is great.

This is a significant release and so far all feedback has been really positive about the changes:

  • More elegant property code to reduce the code you have to write
  • More lazy-load options
  • Finer grained mapping options for those who want it
  • Debug visualizer to see what SQL a LightSpeed query object will generate right in the IDE
  • Many more small feature additions – see here for more

You can download the free trial from Mindscape here.

You can find out more, including some of the features we’re thinking about adding for LightSpeed 2.0 in the official blog post. We’re also asking for feedback about what developers would like to see in LightSpeed? If you’re not using it, what is stopping you from using it today? Leave a comment :)

– JD

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