4 December 2007 in Blogging, General | Comments enabled

On my previous post I placed an image at the end that states “kick it”. For those of you who don’t know what this means, it allows you to effectively “digg” my post and have it appear on a .NET specific site that works in a similar manner to digg.com. I’d recommend joining the site and taking part in the community as some really interesting posts can be found on the dot net kicks site.

Check it out here: www.dotnetkicks.com

Getting kicked helps improve the profile of a post and, hopefully, help drive some new traffic to my site. I’m not asking that you kick every post, but simply making you aware what the icon means and, if you do think a post is useful, you can kick it to show your appreciation.

Note that I haven’t placed one on this post because it’s just an internal memo to you, my reader :)

And that ends this short service announcement.

– JD

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1 comment. Add your own comment.

Nas says 4 December 2007 @ 16:33

I’m always happy to kick you JD! ;)

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