26 November 2007 in General | Comments enabled

Lena and I got back from our holiday to Rarotonga this weekend.

Needless to say, we had a kick ass time and managed to unwind as well as do some really cool things that we couldn’t do here in New Zealand.

I have always been the sort of guy that doesn’t take many holidays, this year I had taken 1 day off prior to this holiday and when I left Intergen I had about a month of solid leave owing to me. What I noticed at the end of this holiday was that by unwinding and having a very relaxing time I was feeling hungry to hit the ground with more vigor upon my return.

I’m finally realising the value of a good holiday: de-stress + come back re-engerised. Certainly will be looking to have proper holidays more frequently in the future (more often than once every three years anyway!).

– JD

P.S. Only 12, 000 spam comments blocked by Akismet while away! :-)

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 153 user reviews.

3 comments. Add your own comment.

Tony says 27 November 2007 @ 07:10

Hi JD, where did you stay in raro? I’m like you, hardly go on hoiday & have been thinking about taking my wife to Raro.


traskjd says 27 November 2007 @ 07:58

Hi Tony,

We stayed at the Rarotongan Beach & Spa Resort, Beachside room I believe (Lena organised most of the details).

It was certainly one of the better looking resorts on the island and there was always a heap of activities to undertake (I recommend the night snorkeling!). The food is ok but you should really explore the islands offerings rather than eat at the resort too much.

Hope that helps,

– JD

Johnny-johnny says 27 November 2007 @ 17:49

I’ve been waiting for you to realise the value of a good holiday :)

It does do wonders, especially as you say for the “hunger” when you return.

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