24 June 2007 in Events, Microsoft, Mindscape | Comments enabled
Today we kicked off the rehearsals for Remix that’s happening here in Melbourne on Monday and Tuesday. The event so far is shaping up really well, I’ve had a chance to meet with some of the other speakers and the content so far looks to be right up there.
Yesterday I had to depart from Wellington at 6am as it was the only direct flight and arrived in Melbourne at about 8:30am local time. This is my first time visiting Melbourne but I’d heard more than a few stories about it from Lena as she grew up here. It was nice being able to see the places she has spoken about and see exactly why she loves the place. I met up with a friend who guided me around for most of the day which was great – I got to see far more places than I would have stumbled onto myself. I can really see why so many people rave about this city and it makes sense, given the strong culture here, that Microsoft selected the city to hold a conference about bringing design and code together to create beautiful systems (yeah, I bet you were wondering how I could pull my rave about Melbourne back to Remix )
Managed to make my way to the Casino yesterday but only for about 30 minutes (so no attempt at poker) and walked out about 4 dollars worse off, not too bad. Tonight is a speaker’s dinner so perhaps I’ll be able to convince some folks to lose some money with me at the tables.
Today the rehearsals have gone well and all the technology seems to work. Touch wood it works again tomorrow and Tuesday though! I really can’t wait to get on with the conference and meet the attendees – I always enjoy that the most. Especially after they’ve seen me speak and want to ask some questions. So if you’re reading this and attending then mention this post and I’ll shout you a drink ) hopefully this offer will result in some great nights out drinking.
Anyway, I’d better get back to it,
– JD
2 comments. Add your own comment.
Simone says 24 June 2007 @ 19:38
I heard that Melbourne population is made up by 1/4th Italians, 1/4th Greek, 2/4th all other nationalities. Making it the city with most greeks in the world (because Athens has only 750k inhabitants).
I guess you will find some good “Pizzerie” and good Ouzo
traskjd says 24 June 2007 @ 21:22
Hi Simone,
Looks like I’ll have to take a trip back with Lena sometime. I did get to visit the Italian district last night which was nice but I don’t think I have very many unplanned meals so I’ll not likely have the opportunity to eat there.
So far I’m really enjoying the city though. Thanks for dropping by Simone,
– JD
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