11 May 2007 in Mindscape | Comments enabled

Phew! We got our first Beta release pushed out to our beta testers today and what can I say – it’s a real buzz to be pushing products out to people even at this stage of the development cycle! It got me thinking about the school of thought that shipping early and often is important for ensuring a great product in the long term. There are additional benefits than just a great product, it gets the team buzzing that their hard work is being put to use.

What is LightSpeed?

LightSpeed is a domain modelling framework that is built on best practices and aims to enable users to get up and running with their domain models fast and easily. Our primary goal was to reduce the effort required to develop solutions that require a domain model. I’ll be posting more about this product in the next few weeks. I know I’m bias but this is one framework that I know I would personally use even if I wasn’t involved in the development, it really saves time and is easy to get working with.

LightSpeed’s design philosophy is centred on:

  • Convention over configuration.
  • Support idiomatic .NET domain models: (Data binding etc.)
  • Highly usable API and low barrier to entry.
  • Internalizes best practice patterns: Session per request, Unit of Work etc.
  • Testability built in.
  • Small, lightweight and performant.
  • Solve the 95% case – i.e. more like Rails than NHibernate.

Can I be a beta tester?

If you are interested in joining our Beta it’s not too late, email me and I’ll arrange for you to be added to the list.

I’m off to my brothers engagement party this weekend for a bit of a break. We have a whole pile of announcements to make next week, keep an eye on the Mindscape Blog to see them :)

- JD

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2 comments. Add your own comment.

Simone says 11 May 2007 @ 17:56

I see you all work hard on this…
congratulations on this achievement

traskjd says 13 May 2007 @ 19:55

Thanks Simone :)

– JD

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