22 March 2007 in Events, Microsoft, Mindscape | Comments enabled

We are officially done with the Microsoft 2007 Technical Briefings and everything went really well. As promised, it’s time to start posting our presentations, demos and links. If you’re looking for the files from Jeremy Boyd you can grab them from his blog. In a few weeks we will also be making available videos of the three presentations that Mindscape delivered for those wanting to see them again or who could not attend the sessions.

Here are the links from my presentation:

Presentation File:

Demonstration Files:

I hope everyone that attended this session found it useful, feel free to post feedback or questions.

- JD

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1 comment. Add your own comment.

Johnny-johnny says 22 March 2007 @ 14:14

Hey JD, Looks really interesting and there is some good info there.

Yesterday the SSC released the new web guidelines (sometimes refered to as v3). The “new” Government Web Standards v 1.0 can be found here: http://www.e.govt.nz/resources/news/2007/20070321.html

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