26 October 2006 in .Net, Code, Microsoft, Tools | Comments enabled

Recently I’ve been doing some work with CruiseControl.Net 1.1 and setting it up to build my work projects. I’ve been using earlier versions of CC.Net at home (what? you don’t run a continuous build environment at home? for shame…) but that has been using Nant for most of the tasks.

For this implementation I decided to try and only use MSBuild and have found it surprisingly easy to work with. Every time I think I’ve hit a wall or found something it cannot do I find some great community additions that add more tasks that I require. One project seemed to offer a considerable number of tasks.

Some of the tasks supplied include:

  • Zip & Unzip
  • Subversion support
  • NDoc generation
  • XML reading & writing
  • Control windows services
  • FTP upload & download
  • SQL Execute

There are a pile more and some of these could be done by just calling against executables but being wrapped up as tasks is a more elegant solution.

The MSBuildTasks Project

 - JD

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 196 user reviews.

2 comments. Add your own comment.

polg says 29 October 2006 @ 01:26

yo JD… wassup…

shane says 17 November 2006 @ 23:47

so have you got your head around batching and transforms yet?

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