19 September 2006 in Blogging, Business | Comments enabled
Businesses have often been told they need to do more business online and how it enables them to get in touch with millions of eyeballs for a comparatively low cost. While this is very true and every business should look online it is important to contemplate other ways that the Internet can impact your business. I don’t write this piece to scare anybody but more to hit home how important great customer service is.
Recently a New Zealand gentleman and his family had a problem with a tourism operator. I’m not going to link because the issue has effectively been resolved now, but needless to say, he shared the problem on his blog.
Soon several people linked to this blog and commented on this issue themselves. Before long, when searching for this company name the pages about this issue and the poor service experienced became quite prominent in the search results – within the top 10 results. Given the number of people who now use the Internet as their primary information tool it has becoming more important than ever for businesses to pay attention to feedback they are receiving online.
I’m glad it has had a positive outcome but it does highlight that it is not only businesses that can leverage the Internet, but that customers can leverage the Internet, easily, when they want to share displeasure. It’s often said that an unsatisfied customer will tell ten times as many people about bad service than when they have good service. What happens when that customer has access to tens of thousands of people? Millions of people? Great customer service just became so much more important.
- JD
5 comments. Add your own comment.
Johnny-johnny says 19 September 2006 @ 22:34
Great post JD, I like your spin on it.
It’s a point I think we need to drive home for a lot of business people. Who in your organisation is monitoring what is being said about you online??? You could be getting killed… or honoured.
Tim Haines says 20 September 2006 @ 08:30
Good writeup JD. Just commenting now so I can get notified of other comments. Will say something more thoughtful a bit later.
James Newton-King says 20 September 2006 @ 13:41
Starting at Intergen…
As alluded to earlier I have have shifted jobs, and have started at a place called Intergen . It is a…
Haydn says 6 October 2006 @ 08:43
Your comment on how customers can leverage the internet as a community to share displeasure, and how it can affect a businesses reputation is interesting and true.
Great NZ example of this is http://mytradesman.co.nz/ where customers share their experience with NZ Tradesmen – builders, plumbers, sparkies etc. Also Trademe with their feedback.
What I’m more interested in is how can a business leverage the internet to enhance it’s reputation and increase sales or grow – apart from just providing better customer service?
I could create a Blog and rave about my products and services – Many companies already do this to good effect with ‘sponsored’ blogs by exployees and evangelists. E.g. Microsoft, Oracle.
But the web user is pretty sophisticated nowadays, and take what they read with a grain of salt. Are there more effective, less obvious ways of increasing a businesses reputation?
Hugh says 14 November 2006 @ 17:54
I am trying to tap into a niche market for tradesman advertising and have started http://www.tradepages.co.nz and http://www.trustedtradesman.co.nz to try do this. It allows tradesmen to use their time smarter by contacting prospective customers after hours and via email!!
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