17 August 2006 in Blogging | Comments enabled

Clicking this link to vote for me will ensure you’re even more of a fantastic lover than you are already :) I understand that the competition is coming to an end soon so the winner can be announced at TechEd next week (read: do not delay your vote! ;) )

I won’t go so far as to say you should email this to five friends in 15 minutes or you’ll get bad luck for the rest of your life though ;)

– JD

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 206 user reviews.

3 comments. Add your own comment.

Tao says 17 August 2006 @ 13:01

Very smart trick!

JD’s Weblog » Blog of the year! says 27 August 2006 @ 18:10

[...] A big thanks to everyone who voted for my blog as the best .Net blog of 2006. Apparently a lot of you want to know how to be better in bed [...]

JD’s Weblog » 10 ways to build your blog traffic says 30 August 2006 @ 12:47

[...] Write attention grabbing headlinesI’ve been poor about this, I quite often write somewhat bland headlines that don’t grab attention. The truth is, I can actually see in my statistics the posts where I wrote a good headline because they get more traffic (from people linking in from their RSS reader). [...]

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