16 August 2006 in Google | Comments enabled
Anyone who has been reading this blog for a while will know that I love Google Analytics. I managed to slip in before it went invite only (about six month back) and have been telling people how fantastic it is ever since.
If you haven’t managed to get an invite or haven’t even looked then now is your chance – Google Analytics is open to all.
Click here to go to the Google Analytics site to sign up.
Installation is dead simple, basically just wack a snippet of JavaScript into your page and you’re done. Easy.
- JD
Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 226 user reviews.
4 comments. Add your own comment.
James Newton-King says 16 August 2006 @ 19:01
I also managed to grab an invite before they closed the door.
I hope they have sorted out the performance issues. Last time it was open for everyone things got pretty bad.
traskjd says 16 August 2006 @ 20:26
Performance has really increased well – usually I see updated about every 60 minutes (not quite real time which would be nice, but close enough).
However as they’ve upgraded capacity I have found times where it may go six hour or so without an updated but when something is free you can hardly complain
Thanks for the comment James.
– JD
Jeremy says 16 August 2006 @ 23:08
Yeah I must admit I found it easy to install but it took a while for it to register that had it installed, hopefully they have fixed that.
Its good to see some stats on your blog, who’s reading it, referals etc, but one complaint is that it doesn’t go into enough detail. Can’t expect everything though I spose.
JD’s Weblog » 10 ways to build your blog traffic says 30 August 2006 @ 20:46
[...] There are many more things you can do to improve traffic but I thought I’d round of the top 10 that I use to try and help my own blog. I’m trying to take a more aggressive approach to trying to improve the experience for you, the audience, but some of these won’t be visible for a while. The key to any improvement is being able to measure your success (or failure) which is why often I comment on tools that I use to measure my own performance. [...]
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