16 June 2006 in Code | Comments enabled

A week ago I posted a blog entry detailing my concerns about some elements of Ruby on Rails (RoR) and had a terrific response from a wide variety of people. Overall it would seem that most people agreed to an extent with most of the points but many didn’t see them as major problems but more things that needed to be worked on. Of course some people found some points not to be problems at all and that’s good for them.

Thanks to all of those that posted comments, I hope you found the discussion as useful as I did.

I think that despite investing ~$150 in buying the books on Rails and Ruby that I’ll be putting it on the back burner for the time being. I’ll keep an eye on what is going on in that space but I already have a lot on my plate just keeping track of some of the really cool stuff that’s coming out from Microsoft (and from people building products in that space) in the next six months.

- JD

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