12 May 2006 in Events | Comments enabled

Ruby on Rails

Tomek (from ZoomIn) is organising a Ruby on Rails community gathering that hopefully will be a monthly event. Likely to be similar to a user group catch up (pizza, drink, geeks) – I’d suggest anyone that’s interested in RoR passes their details to me (there is no fancy mailing list, website or anything yet so it’s quite word of mouth at this stage).

Hat tip to Tim on bringing this to my attention.

- JD

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2 comments. Add your own comment.

Johnny-Johnny says 12 May 2006 @ 10:20

Count me in…

Stewart Fleming says 12 May 2006 @ 11:07

If you guys make this a regular event, we might have a good excuse for travelling up to Welly regularly for Thursday night curry + Ruby on Rails. Quite a few developers down here.

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