10 May 2006 in Business | Comments enabled

So lately I’ve been trying to network a bit more with some folks in IT and business in general. I met up with Ben Nolan of ZoomIn.co.nz on Monday after work and checked out their premises at CreativeHQ. I really liked the atmosphere at CreativeHQ (both professional yet fun) even though it was pretty empty at that time of night. It was great having a chat with Ben and finding out more about what they’re up to and sharing some ideas.

Later we headed off to Matterhorn for some drinks and started talking with some random guy and his partner who were sitting at the same table as us (bars seem remarkably full on a Monday night!). Anyway, after some talking we found out he was looking into an IT venture and talked about a friend of his at this local company we might have heard of – Intergen :) Surprising how small the world is – this guy didn’t even live in the North Island.

It’s great to find that even with such a basic start to networking with some like minded folks at how quickly it grows. It’s almost viral. Tonight I went out for some Butter Chicken to kick back after a software release that I’d been part of. Shortly after Ben turned up with a few friends including a guy (Nathan Torkington) from O’Reilly. He seemed like quite a character even in the few moments of chatting. Grabbed his card and did some googling now I’m home, so if you want to read the first ever review of Shortland Street magazine then check out this link: Shortland Street Magazine Review. I’m sure that’s how he got to work for O’Reilly ;) I enjoy people who don’t take themselves too seriously.

All in all I’ve found it to be a fantastic week for networking – now to just see if I can keep the ball rolling.

– JD

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