3 May 2006 in Business | Comments enabled
Telecom will be unbundled – government announcement.
News Story Here: Telecom to be unbundled
Anyone want to take a bet on how far Telecom slides down the sharemarket tomorrow morning? $5.55 at close today.
- JD
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4 comments. Add your own comment.
Gabe says 3 May 2006 @ 22:32
Yay!! About time. Let the free market fly.
Geek says 4 May 2006 @ 12:56
Better late than never, but I can’t help but feel this would have been better had it happened two years ago. The way I see it we would have got there in 2-3 years time anyway. Oh well faster internet access it 2007-2008 is a good thing. If only it could happen faster than that.
JD says 4 May 2006 @ 12:58
I see it in both lights – it’s good for the consumer however it’s not so good for Telecom and there is a considerable amount invested with Telecom in NZ.
I’m not sure I’d count the government forcing the opening up of a companies network as the “free market” at work Gabe
– JD
Marius says 22 March 2007 @ 00:55
yay! looking forward to a faster and cheaper broadband connection.
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