20 April 2006 in Blogging | Comments enabled

I was reviewing my referral information for my blog today and noticed a few hits from a website called TechTalkBlogs.

The site looks like a pretty clean and after looking under the “Australian Bloggers” I found that they are consuming my feed and allowing people to rate them. Based on the other users on the list that somebody has borrowed Nic’s fantastic NZ .Net Bloggers OPML and imported it into this site.

I couldn’t find out much about the intention of the website (other than to syndicate sites) but it’s an official Microsoft site.

I always love seeing my blog being pimped on the internet :)

- JD

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 245 user reviews.

4 comments. Add your own comment.

William Luu says 20 April 2006 @ 16:22

Hi JD, yes, it is a Microsoft site. And initiative of I believe, Frank Arrigo and team (of Microsoft Oz). It’s to promote (as far as I can see) the ANZ Tech blogs community.

See: http://blogs.msdn.com/frankarr/archive/2006/02/24/538583.aspx

traskjd says 20 April 2006 @ 18:31

Thanks for the heads up William :) I’ll be keeping an eye on the site (actually motivates me to post more entries :-) )


– JD

Andre says 22 April 2006 @ 03:57


I would love to get a contact email to your site, as I have questions as well as content to offer.

Thank you,


traskjd says 22 April 2006 @ 07:39

Hi Andre,

It’s not my site (TechTalkBlogs). My contact details are on the “About Me” page.


– JD

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