18 April 2006 in Microsoft | Comments disabled
One thing that I’ve recently found useful in Outlook is how you can have it pre-populate your calendar with holidays for your country. I told my flatmate about this and thought I should post the instructions in case anybody else doesn’t know how to do it.
- Fire up Outlook
- Click “Tools” then “Options” on the menu
- Click “Calendar Options”
- Click “Add Holidays…” (near the middle of the form)
- Put a tick in “New Zealand” and click “OK”
- Done

This works in both Office 2003 and Office 2007 (Perhaps earlier ones too but I haven’t tested). Speaking of which I’ll hopefully post a few Office 2007 entries as time goes on
- JD
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Geek says 26 April 2006 @ 13:52
I gave this a go and notice that New Zealand was already selected but no holidays were displayed. If I unchecked the box then re checked it, then all the NZ holidays propagated on my calendar. Very nice