14 December 2005 in General | Comments enabled

I thought I’d keep to my “jumping from one technology aspect to another” theme today and bring up something I was reading about months ago. I don’t actually do very much with Linux, I’ve played with it a wee bit and it’s alright but I don’t really find it a compelling alternative to Windows. As some people know, I’m very much a UI junkie, loving every time bit of eye candy that comes my way.

Some linux folks (related to the Gnome project I believe) have been working a project called Luminocity. It appears to add a whole bunch of UI goodies that are so unnecessary it’s great. They’ve basically implemented a physics model into the window manager to do some effects like Wobbly Windows (when you drag them they “sway” like they’re being dragged around). There is a lot more to it than this (OpenGL alpha blending, workspace switching etc).

If you’re keen on linux to any degree this is kinda interesting to see.

This blog is primarily about the Microsoft world but from time to time I’ll post something like this just because I think it’s cool.

– JD

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2 comments. Add your own comment.

JohnL says 15 December 2005 @ 10:16

If you’re a UI junkie…………. then what are you doing on Windows?

Come to the dark side: http://www.apple.com/macosx/

traskjd says 15 December 2005 @ 11:36

Feeling unloved in that department. Bring on Avalon!

You’ll never turn me to the dark side….

– JD

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