23 September 2004 in General, Intergen | Comments enabled

Well I’m holed up at home working on some enhanced content loading application for a client. It’s somewhat nice working at home – my computer is faster, chair more comfy etc, but you do miss the social interaction and have to try hard not to be distracted at home.

I’m working at home today because after coming pretty much right after my last cold (a few weeks ago now) the cough esculated and now I’m almost back to where I was (minus the uncontrollable shaking, hot/cold feelings). Which sucks :-(

I put it all down to the food we eat in our flat (and that I don’t do any better when it’s just me cooking for myself). The doctor suggested that I have blood tests because someone my age shouldn’t be getting sick so often but then did admit that it’s the worst year she has ever seen for colds in Wellington. So I just managed to get out of that (I HATE needles, but if I am still not well in a week I will get them done).

So now I’m on something new to hopefully make me feel better (I also somehow scored 800 paracetamol tablets for 15 dollars, shows how much you get ripped when you buy pain killers that are branded).

Anyway, back to work, I just wanted to blog my morning to get something new up here :)

- JD

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