3 November 2008 in Events, Microsoft, Mindscape | Comments enabled

That’s right – free! Not only that – but prizes too!

Kicking off next week, myself and Kirk Jackson will be Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland for the Microsoft UNPLUGGED event. This is a great opportunity to get your development team out to hear about developing next generation user experiences using WPF as well as finding out how to be more productive with Visual Studio 2008.

The speaking time is around one and a half hours so we will be able to cover a reasonable amount of content. Because of this I would like to hear what things you would like to learn about Windows Presentation Foundation – leave a comment. I’m explicitly trying to ensure that the talk is as real-world as I can make it so that after the event you will better equipped to critically evaluate building your next project with WPF.

Numbers are limited so you’ll need to register as soon as possible at the site: http://www.microsoft.com/nz/events/unplugged/msdn-nov08.mspx

Oh, and the prizes I mentioned are:

  • 3 x XBOX 360
  • 3 x Samsung 22â€? LCD Monitors
  • 3 x Office Professional 2007
  • 3 x Windows Vista Ultimate NFR
  • 6 x Microsoft Explorer Mice

So – leave a comment of what you would like to learn, register for the event and hopefully I’ll see you soon :-)

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6 comments. Add your own comment.

Alex Henderson says 4 November 2008 @ 12:35

There’s been quite a bit of interest lately on implementing design/modelling tools with WPF at the Architecture chat lately – so I know at least a few people who would be interested in coverage of things like Adorners, how to implement zooming and zoom preview controls (zoom boxes), use of the Thumb controls etc.

traskjd says 4 November 2008 @ 20:12

Thanks for the heads up Alex – I’ll look into this. As an aside, if you have a project requiring some industrial strength design and modeling we (Mindscape) have a great diagramming framework internally that we’ll try and get into beta before the end of the year that could be of value to many people :)

Hope to see you at the event.

– JD

Alex Henderson says 5 November 2008 @ 06:47

I know you guys have a modelling/diagramming framework on the way – I’m awaiting the beta to see if it’ll fit my needs :)

Jamie Brook says 11 November 2008 @ 14:54

Enjoyed your preso today in Chch JD – one question I didn’t get a chance to ask – do you think MS will offer an MDI solution in WPF ever? I’ve heard they are trying to move people away from this paradiagm, but in the finance industry, for example, an MDI application is really the benchmark, anything less would be a step backwards.

Possibly an opportunity for Mindscape to step in? Telerik are touting an SL implementation which I’m dying to get my hands on, haven’t seen a 3rd party WPF alternative but haven’t had a good look.

All the best,


traskjd says 12 November 2008 @ 09:59

Hi Jamie,

Glad to hear you enjoyed the session.

I personally haven’t heard anything about an MDI interface being built for WPF at this stage. While it is popular in some industries as you mention I think that there is a very real move away from this style of interface.

I wouldn’t imagine mimicking with behavior with WPF would be overly complicated and there could be a product in this space but I can’t promise anything. Thanks for the feedback though – it’s always handy to know what people are looking for out there.

Thanks for coming to the session :-)


– JD

traskjd says 12 November 2008 @ 10:01

Do you have a link to the Telerik MDI component btw? From looking at their current SL offering I only see normal windows and navigation components.

– JD

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