6 September 2006 in Events, Microsoft | Comments enabled

Office 2007

Recently I’ve been involved with setting up the SharePoint User Group (with Chan, OJ, and Microsoft). Here’s the run down on the first meeting next week. You’re all invited so go on – RSVP :)

With the growing interest in the Microsoft SharePoint technologies space fueled by the upcoming release of Windows SharePoint Services v3 and Office SharePoint Server 2007 there is a new SharePoint User Group starting up in Wellington.

The purpose of this user group is to encourage knowledge sharing, personal development, identification of opportunities and input into best practice techniques related to Microsoft SharePoint technologies and directions.

The next meeting is on Wednesday 13th September at Microsoft with Microsoft presenting the vision and direction of SharePoint followed by a group discussion about what people want from the User Group over some beer and pizza.

Time: 6pm

Venue: Microsoft Wellington, Level 12, Mobil on the Park, Lambton Quay

Admission: Free

If you are keen to come along please RSVP to marko@intergen.co.nz

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