23 March 2005 in Business | Comments disabled

This morning on ASB Business I was impressed to see that Rod was interviewed about Cebit as well as giving some details about Aftermail.

I’ve often wondered about that show – I’ve been watching it since it started and I’m not sure how much they go looking for news or people/companies actively contact them with stories. Over time it seems they’ve been moving into more of the latter as it doesn’t seem to be so much “news” as such. It used to be more about global business news however the new format of covering local businesses is a change I’ve liked.

At the risk of turning this into a bit of a ramble, I’ve also found that the presenter of ASB Business isn’t quite what he used to be – back when it was Telsta Business he seemed to ask better questions that didn’t seem quite so scripted. Maybe it’s just me :-)

– JD

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