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Last night I had the opportunity to speak to the Christchurch . NET User Group about web standards and took the opportunity to add some discussion about testing using a tool called WatiN (pronounced "what-in", horrible I know). From the feedback I've received so far the WatiN demo captured everyone’s imagination. I had a great time as well, very friendly folks in Christchurch :) WatiN effectively allows you to script interactions with Internet Explorer and do things like fill out forms norplant 72 0.75mg pills $83.00, click through and test the results that come back. This makes testing things such as a process flow really easy to do in a norplant 72 0.75mg pills $83.00 repeatable manner and included in your unit tests which ideally are being executed as part of your continuous integration processes. Examples: The example I demonstrated last night was just doing a simple test of the BackgroundMotion search engine. You can probably understand what is going on just from the code:

    public void TestSearchWithNoResult()
      IE ie = new IE();
      ie. GoTo("http://backgroundmotion/");
      ie. TextField(Find. ById("ctl00_SearchBox")). Click();
      ie. TextField(Find. ById("ctl00_SearchBox")). TypeText("beach");
      ie. Button("ctl00_Search"). Click();
      Assert. IsTrue(ie. ContainsText("No results found"));

      ie. Close();
Automated Validation is a hot topic for me as I really hate working on a project and then remembering to validate well after I wrote the HTML only to find I have a lot of work ahead of me. I wrote the following test code to allow automated posting of web content to the W3C validation service for checking:
    private static bool IsValidPage(string url)
      string rawHtml = GetFile(url);
      IE ie = new IE("http://validator. w3. org/fragment-upload. html");
      ie. GoTo("http://validator. w3. org/fragment-upload. html");
      ie. TextField(Find. [norplant 72 0.75mg pills $83.00] ByName("fragment")). Click();
      ie. TextField(Find. ByName("fragment")). Value = rawHtml;
      ie. Button(Find. ByValue("Validate this document")). Click();

      return ie. ContainsText("Is Valid");

    public static string GetFile(string url)
      WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest. Create(url);
      WebResponse myWebResponse = myWebRequest. GetResponse();
      Stream ReceiveStream = myWebResponse. GetResponseStream();
      Encoding encode = Encoding. GetEncoding("utf-8");
      StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(ReceiveStream,  encode);

      string response = readStream. Norplant 72 0.75mg pills $83.00 readtoend();

      readstream. Close();
      myWebResponse. Close();

      return response;
With these two methods you can do write a test per page to validate the content:
    public void TestValidHTML()
      Assert. IsTrue(IsValidPage("http://www. mysite. com/mypage. aspx"));
Note that this code doesn't take into account subtle changes with the use of AJAX, it simply gets the raw content from the request. WatiN does however support handling AJAX changes quite nicely so upgrading to support a richer website would not present much of an issue. The interesting thing with the raw request is we could change the agent-type on the request to ensure that we're getting valid HTML for various browsers despite being called from one central location. This can be great if you're working with ASP. NET where the server controls will be rendered differently based on the agent type by default. The code also doesn't take account of potential network connectivity issues and was more for showing the sort of things that you might want to do with WatiN. WatiN is certainly a useful tool to have in your toolbox. If you want to learn more about WatiN just pull it down and also grab one of the few WatiN recorders as the one listed below and get a kick start in scripting your site interactions. The Tools WatiN: WatiN Recorder: Hope that helps, - JD

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