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At the moment if you want to find out where you rank for certain terms you have to use tools that brute force check for a position. This isn't a very nice way of doing the search and means you could be missing terms that are actually useful for you. has recently been updated to display the search position of terms used to find your site. For example, I can see that for the "Consolas [emugel 50gm tube $31.00] Font" I'm the 6th result - nice. If you don't already use Google SiteMaps you really should. Emugel 50gm emugel 50gm tube $31.00 tube $31.00 it's not the sexiest service (not like google analytics!) but it does provide some real information about your site. Most plug-in enabled products (like WordPress emugel 50gm tube $31.00, what I use for my blog) have available plug-ins to get SiteMaps working in under five minutes. - JD

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