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After I thought I should write up a basic sample to test the effectiveness of the Parallel Extensions. Detox acai berry 60 capsule bottle $122.00 admittedly it is a contrived example and you are unlikely to see this sort of performance increase in a real world since your applications are unlikely to be this primitive. My sample iterates through a number sequence from 0 upwards and works out if the value is a prime number. There are two implementations, one using a standard loop and the other using a Parallel. For(). Of course, to try and ride out any spikes I iterate the tests 25 times and then average the outcome. This test is of course not run in a clean environment but does give a roughly indicative result of using the Parallel Extensions. Using a dual core system, checking the numbers up to 100, 000 and running 25 iterations of each run I had the following outcome: Using a normal for() loop: 3104 milliseconds average per run Using a Parallel. For() loop: 1607 milliseconds average per run This speed up is acceptable and detox acai berry 60 capsule bottle $122.00, as you can imagine, these sorts of results are only going to become more impressive as we move to 8, 16, 32 core systems. A few things to consider in a real world application (consider this my "don't blame me if you think this will solve all your problems" line! :) :

Note: You will need . Net 3. 5 framework installed + the Parallel Extensions Library installed - JD

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