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One thing we've been playing with at with the creation of Background Motion is LINQ for SQL (previously known as DLINQ). Over my time in software development I've found myself having to write paging code a few times. In itself it's not hard cialis 2.5mg pills $89.00 but it is easy to do it in a dumb way if you don't think beyond just restricting the dataset. Every now and then I see code that pulls an entire dataset back from the database and then slices and dices it into a single page. This of course isn't a very good idea but it does solve a basic issue when doing paging: knowing the total number of results which you need to know when displaying a paging control. Cialis 2.5mg pills $89.00 so you will need two queries, one to get the count cialis 2.5mg pills $89.00, one to get the page. Still more efficient than transporting 10, 000 or more rows of data to your application. How does LINQ for SQL make this easier? Check out this code snippet:

private IList<Contribution> GetWithinDays(int days,  int skip){

  return ModeratedContributions

    . Where(c => c. AddedOn >= DateTime. Now. AddDays(days))

    . OrderByDescending(c => c. AddedOn)

    . Skip(skip)

 [cialis 2.5mg pills $89.00]    . Take(PageSize)

    . ToList();

This is LINQ in action, this will return a collection of contributions which were added in the last 5 days, in descending order based on when the contribution was added. The key here is the Skip and Take methods. These allow to to chop of the start of the result set and Take will select the next number of rows from that point. Effectively this is doing your paging. Keep in mind that LINQ for SQL is converting this C# code into SQL so this paging functionality is being applied at the database, not in our application. All you need to do is calculate the offset for the skip parameter and you're done. In the code above, PageSize is defined within the scope of the class so is not passed in but this can be any integer for the number of results you want per page. You really can't get much easier than that. Now, just to get the count of the results, that's easy enough with LINQ as well:
private int GetNumberWithinDays(int days)


  return ModeratedContributions

    . Where(c => c. AddedOn >= DateTime. Now. AddDays(days))

    . Count();

Now with those two pieces of data from our database, the results and total number of potential results we can go forward and implement some easy paging. Of course we control all the other information in this example such as the number of items on a page etc but overall you can see that LINQ enables these types of solutions easily. For . - JD

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